Monthly Archives: March 2013

2013 Movie Trailers

After Earth

Fast and Furious 6

The Hangover Part III

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Kick Ass 2


Olympus Has Fallen

New Pope Elected


After a day and a half locked inside of conclave, Cardinals have elected a new pope. Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, stepped onto the world stage Wednesday as the new pope and leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. He is the first pope ever to be elected from the America’s. He has chosen the name Pope Francis 1. : He is the first Jesuit, the first non-European in modern times and first Latin American pope. He also is the first to take the name Francis, for the saint devoted to the poor.

The new pope is going to have to work through some very serious issues during his tenure. Women’s role in the church, the exodus of Catholics in North America and Europe, priest molestation scandals, and growing Catholic populations in Africa and Asia.

Best wishes

MYO Wearable Gesture Controller

The next generation of gesture control is coming later this year. MYO I must say this looks dope. No camera needed like the kinect.

This armband  connects to devices via Bluetooth and as multiple applications.

MYO is able to measure electrical activity in your muscles instantly. It is still in development but scheduled to come out later this year.

Pre-orders are $149.

Iron Man 3 Trailer

A new Iron Man 3 trailer hit the web today. Be looking out for it later this year.

Legislation To legalize Unlocking of Cellphones

A recent white house response to a petition to legalize phone unlocking, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) has announced that she will introduce legislation to reverse the ban imposed in January.

Unlocking a phone allows it to be used on carriers other than the one from which it was purchased, and it was recently ruled that consumers may not unlock their phone without permission from that same carrier. Currently Sprint and AT&T allow unlocking of their phones after the end of your contracts. Some Verizon wireless smartphones come unlocked.

In October 2012, the Librarian of Congress, who determines exemptions to a strict anti-hacking law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), decided that unlocking mobile phones would be illegal.

The obvious benefit of unlocking your phone is that you could buy any phone you want without being bound by long standing contracts as well as easier use during international travel.

Unlocked/unlocking phones are common practice in Europe and the Middle East; hopefully the U.S. can catch up to the times.