Category Archives: NEWS

New Pope Elected


After a day and a half locked inside of conclave, Cardinals have elected a new pope. Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, stepped onto the world stage Wednesday as the new pope and leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. He is the first pope ever to be elected from the America’s. He has chosen the name Pope Francis 1. : He is the first Jesuit, the first non-European in modern times and first Latin American pope. He also is the first to take the name Francis, for the saint devoted to the poor.

The new pope is going to have to work through some very serious issues during his tenure. Women’s role in the church, the exodus of Catholics in North America and Europe, priest molestation scandals, and growing Catholic populations in Africa and Asia.

Best wishes

Iron Man 3 Trailer

A new Iron Man 3 trailer hit the web today. Be looking out for it later this year.

Legislation To legalize Unlocking of Cellphones

A recent white house response to a petition to legalize phone unlocking, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) has announced that she will introduce legislation to reverse the ban imposed in January.

Unlocking a phone allows it to be used on carriers other than the one from which it was purchased, and it was recently ruled that consumers may not unlock their phone without permission from that same carrier. Currently Sprint and AT&T allow unlocking of their phones after the end of your contracts. Some Verizon wireless smartphones come unlocked.

In October 2012, the Librarian of Congress, who determines exemptions to a strict anti-hacking law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), decided that unlocking mobile phones would be illegal.

The obvious benefit of unlocking your phone is that you could buy any phone you want without being bound by long standing contracts as well as easier use during international travel.

Unlocked/unlocking phones are common practice in Europe and the Middle East; hopefully the U.S. can catch up to the times.


Fucking Osama Bin Laden

Fucking Osama Bin Laden

They had been in this position before with no success. Sitting on the couch pretending to be interested about the current television program when reality was that both of their minds were awakened to each other’s sexual curiosities. It had been five weeks, eleven dates, countless conversations, and one long kiss to this moment. The room was dim-lit but Nikki could notice Sean’s nature rising despite most of his body being in a shadow. There was little room for conversation so he sat there slowing breathing in her direction hoping that either the peppermint on his breath or the fragrance of his code black cologne would draw her closer. Meanwhile she was afraid to take the initiative so she sat there licking her full pink lips ever so often while rubbing on her upper thigh tempting his eyes. He needed to make a move but with subtleness. Sean softly asked the open-ended question; do you like what you see? Noticing she wasn’t at all interested in anything but him she was pleasantly surprised by his boldness but not taken back. She responded, yeah but I prefer to use sight as a supplementary sense to touch and taste.

His dick grew instantly hard once those words landed in his ears. He wondered if she could be an equal physically as she is mentally. She physically longed for him, her stomach began to have butterflies, and the wave of energy moved from her rapidly beating heart trough her stomach and down between her thighs where it waited. She could feel him breathing, her body contracting with each breath. Sean had moved closer to her now, they were only a kiss apart from each other. He placed his right hand on her right knee and his left hand around her shoulder. ‘Let me tell you something else he said, he proceeded to kiss and nibble on her neck and ear while inching his hand up to where she now had a tightly clinched fist on her thigh in resistant anticipation.

Nikki didn’t fight the feeling but her body was tense because she wanted to be more assertive but also wanted to show restraint and let her body trust the lack of control she was surrendering to. She reached down and touched her clitoris and let out a soft sensual moan, excited about how wet the thought of him was causing her to be. She slightly turned her body towards him and touched his dick. His penis swelled even more erect. The excitement took his attention off her neck to her lips. He began to kiss her with such intensity and passion in hopes it would be something that she would never forget and hopefully masturbate to. The arousal had grown to an exponential level from just a few minutes ago. She was ready to feel him inside of her. Her wetness was flooding her panties; it was no longer worth having them on. Luckily she was wearing a pleated chiffon skirt which made this moment a smooth seamless transition. While he took off her panties she unhooked her bra.

Heavy breathing, smacking of lips, and soft moans seemed to be the only sounds emanating from the room at this point. Feeling that he needed to match her in this strip tease, Sean took off his shirt exposing his athletic build and ideally formed chest and abs. He also removed his pants; Nikki noticed how Sean’s dick had stretched his boxer from its original orientation. She grabbed it through to slit in his boxer to get the proper perspective of size, while also intensifying his desire for her. She stoked his penis while admiring his body and what his presence was doing to hers. Sean’s excitement was exceeding its threshold so he smoothly took her hands off his penis and got down on his knees and pulls her skirt over his head and proceeded to navigate his tongue around Nikki’s clitoris. He wasn’t going to stop until she climaxed but had to stop as she wanted him to take her skirt off so she could admire his work but realistically hold his head with better ease while he put in work.

Sean used his thumb to push back the skin around the clitoris to fully expose her clitoris while he licked and sucked. Legs trembling, moans becoming increasingly louder, and her mind completely expelling any thoughts not confined in lust Nikki climaxed enough times to stop keeping track. She can barely keep her eyes open because her vision is blurred and the lack of light is not helping.

Her eyes catch a glimpse of the TV, the news ticker says something that she can’t ignore and catches her completely off guard. Oh my god she exclaims. Sean looks up with his jaw slightly aching from exhaustion and in fear that he did something wrong. He looks at Nikki and see’s that she is focused on the television. The news ticker reads Osama Bin Laden killed in Pakistan and the President is on TV.

Fucking Osama Bin Laden just ruined the mood, Sean says in disgust. He is thinking dammit why he couldn’t wait to die until I at least got my dicked sucked, geez. He knows his night is over because he left the TV instead of playing music on and ironically this is the most interesting event of the night.

Ancient Human Fossils Identified

Once again there has been another finding and identification of ancient humanoid fossils in Africa. 

Skull of new species of human

The fossils were found in Northern Kenya and date to roughly 1.7 ~2 million years ago. (Meaning our evolution pre dates most religious text but I’ll get to that later.) This would become the 8th humanoid archelogical find and one of many on the African continent also giving evidence that multiple species co inhabited Africa at the same time. 

H.rudolfensis has been concluded to be  a separate species that the smaller brain Homo Erectus, and Homo habilis, that which you know fossil remains were also found years ago.


This finding along with evidence is beginning to show that our species (homo sapiens) did not only evolve from earlier models but did not do it in a linear fashion. Showing that we had more diversity, evolving in different ways in different regions. 

Nature Article


Side Note: I very much believe in God, I just don’t believe that our text that help us define god hold truths that are accurate. To our understanding of text humans could not be any older than 6000 years old. Fossil evidence which no one really disputes yet willingly ignores proves that even if you believe in intelligent design, evolution of species is within that design. Life transforms into new life.  Obviously we are not our ancestors but we cant ignore there existence, findings like this should be in the forefront of our teachings and conversations about what we can become based on where we came from. 

The evolution of the human race is something that we will have to deal with not only from a technological level but always from a biological one. If we look at the samples of the past then we might be frightened at how time and conditions on earth change us in the future.

The Crisis of Civilization

Came across this documentary which explains the way of the world in a very articulate manner. Enjoy!


50 years since 1st American space orbit

Its been 50 years since former Astronaut and U.S. Senator John Glenn orbited the earth. Originally part of NASA’s  mercury program, Glenn  piloted the Friendship 7 into orbit on 20 February 1962. He circled the globe three times in five hours, traveling faster than 17,000 mph.

Laptops Connected to Wifi kill sperm


A new scientific study in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility, coming out of Cordoba Argentina suggest that electromagnetic radiation coming from your laptop when it is connected to wifi reduces the function of semen. Argentinian scientists describe how they got semen samples from 29 healthy men, placed a few drops under a laptop connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Four hours later, the semen was, eh, well-done.

A quarter of the sperm were no longer swimming around, for instance, compared to just 14 percent from semen samples stored at the same temperature away from the computer. Nine percent of the sperm showed DNA damage, three-fold more than the comparison samples.

“Our data suggest that the use of a laptop computer wirelessly connected to the internet and positioned near the male reproductive organs may decrease human sperm quality,”  says Conrado Avendano of Nascentis Medicina Reproductiva.


Despite this study, somehow I still find myself posting this article with my laptop on my lap. I guess im never having kids. Well for now that’s not a complaint.


A U.S. Congress Full of Millionaires

money, congress

I’m not one to count other people’s money because their money doesn’t do anything for me besides make me mad and disappointed that I don’t have enough money but I recently read a CBS article explaining why half of Congress members are millionaires. Out of the 541 total members (including Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Washington DC; despite having non voting privileges) 261 are millionaires.

FYI: The base pay for members of Congress is $174,000

The Center for Responsive Politics  stated that congressional members actually saw their collective personal wealth increase by more than 16 percent between 2008 and 2009. As many as 55 members had an average calculated wealth of $10 million or more in 2009. According to the Center’s estimates, the wealthiest member of Congress is Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), whose holdings exceed $303.5 million. Rep Jane Harman (D-Calif.) is close behind with $293.4 million, and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) rounds out the top three at $238.8 million.

Reasons claimed by the article that congress has become increasing wealthy are:

-Political Campaigns take on average $8 million for Senate Rate and $1 million for House of Representative; so its easier for a wealthy candidate to put their own money up vs having an average Joe holding  many fundraiser to raise over a million dollars.

-They can take outside income but no more than 15% of their annual income from Congress

– Insider trading laws do not apply to nonpublic information about current or upcoming congressional activity — that’s because members of Congress aren’t technically obligated to keep that information confidential.  If a lawmaker learns an upcoming bill will grant a company a large government contract, which could boost that company’s stock, he or she is free to buy that stock ahead of the bill’s public introduction.

Democratic Reps. Louise Slaughter of New York and Tim Walz of Minnesota have introduced legislation to stop insider trading in Congress. But the bill, which has been introduced before, has never had more than 14 congressional sponsors.

-Members often earn lucrative contracts on executive  boards, as lobbyist,  think tanks, and book deals.

It would be only fair that as members of Congress who are allowed certain perk’s of office such as great health benefits and an amazing salary; they should adopt the national average median household income as stated by the 2011 census statistic which is $50,221. Or better yet the per capita money income in past 12 months which is $27,041 until the U.S. economy stabilizes. They would give the remaining $150,000 to families that have been tragically affected with layoffs and unemployment.

535 (members of congress) x $146595 ($174,00-27,041)= $78,428,325…That would be enough to feed a nice chunk of families within the districts they are obligated to serve.

Im just saying it is an option…

When I read the following articles, now wonder there is a strong debate in Congress about tax cuts and raising revenue for the top 2% because these are more than 60% of members of congress. The average american is not considering the politics behind such issues such as the Debt Ceiling, and the National Debt, they just know it has to be taken care of. Yet when you have millionaires wanting us to sacrifice and take hold of the majority of the burden that comes with revamping  medicare, social security, tax code, etc. it doesn’t instill a lot of confidence that they will do something that will be better for everyone in the long run and not just them and the business’s they have first hand knowledge and stakes in

New York Legalizes Gay Marriage

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signing the marriage equality bill into law in Albany New York

In the evening of Friday June 24, 2011. New York legislators where debating the last bill on the docket; marriage equality bill that would give gay and lesbian couples the right to legally marry. This is a huge topic nationally and barring any court challenges would make the state of New York the 6th and largest populous state to offer these rights.

The bill allows religious institutions exemptions from marrying gay couples; which isn’t much of a hold up (they could just get married at a courthouse and save a lot of money in the process).

Republican State Senator Stephen Saland was one of the last to support the same-sex marriage bill. A self-proclaimed traditionalist, he said he agonized over the decision: “I have defined doing the right thing as treating all persons with equality, and that equality includes the definition of marriage, and I fear that to do otherwise would fly in the face of my upbringing.”

Of course a lot of people seem to have a problem with what another person does with their life as if it’s any of their concern. Which leads me to believe that there will be an injunction brought to the appellate court of New York to delay this process. There needs to be a serious discussion on major programming that people respect looking at the issue. Not just on blogs and with social commentators. Lets be real here, not to many people know who I date or let alone care who I date. Somehow that automatically changes and damns me and possibly you by vicinity to my location because of your selective belief in God. To be a heterosexual person and think only in terms of heterosexuality is a comfortable norm, and it is understandable to be somewhat disgusted to see something that you aren’t use to like gay sex. But realistically ( I have a lot more than the average straight person of gay friends), lets stop acting like we really care about this issue. Americans care about this just as much as we care about $4 gas. Yeah we will complain but when it comes down to it we will get with the program because it’s a sign of changing time…

Some will say, that doesn’t make it right. I would argue that some things aren’t about right or wrong as much as how they make you feel. If someone is truly in love with someone of the same-sex, why can’t they be represented under the umbrella of marriage. If it’s a religious things, then I propose that gay people just start their own religion and get enough members and tax exemption to make it a legitimate cause and just start marrying themselves. That would take just as much time as it would to get a federal marriage equality law signed, if not less time.

Its time to face it, being gay is natural. People and animals have been gay for some time. If you don’t believe me (go to a place I lived), go to Cusco Peru. Rent a house on Jardin Del Inka’s and just notice how all the dogs will hump each other, regardless of sexual orientation.

Or read on the cases observed in Flamingo’s, Sheep’s, Monkey’s and other animals. Don’t forget, with all are intelligence and differences, we are animals who act out on desires first.


I don’t necessarily care to see and be around too much gay shit but hey (we cant all be the same), I don’t care to be in a hot and humid place but I live in Saint Louis.