Tag Archives: ancient

Ancient Human Fossils Identified

Once again there has been another finding and identification of ancient humanoid fossils in Africa. 

Skull of new species of human

The fossils were found in Northern Kenya and date to roughly 1.7 ~2 million years ago. (Meaning our evolution pre dates most religious text but I’ll get to that later.) This would become the 8th humanoid archelogical find and one of many on the African continent also giving evidence that multiple species co inhabited Africa at the same time. 

H.rudolfensis has been concluded to be  a separate species that the smaller brain Homo Erectus, and Homo habilis, that which you know fossil remains were also found years ago.


This finding along with evidence is beginning to show that our species (homo sapiens) did not only evolve from earlier models but did not do it in a linear fashion. Showing that we had more diversity, evolving in different ways in different regions. 

Nature Article


Side Note: I very much believe in God, I just don’t believe that our text that help us define god hold truths that are accurate. To our understanding of text humans could not be any older than 6000 years old. Fossil evidence which no one really disputes yet willingly ignores proves that even if you believe in intelligent design, evolution of species is within that design. Life transforms into new life.  Obviously we are not our ancestors but we cant ignore there existence, findings like this should be in the forefront of our teachings and conversations about what we can become based on where we came from. 

The evolution of the human race is something that we will have to deal with not only from a technological level but always from a biological one. If we look at the samples of the past then we might be frightened at how time and conditions on earth change us in the future.